Anti-Whale Policy
This policy restricts Whales to play with the Economy of SCOLT tokens
First of all, Let us have an opportunity to explain to you who will be considered as a Whale according to the SCOLT's Contract.
Whoever is holding 1% of the SCOLT's current token supply will be considered a whale. This means it is very much possible that today you are not considered a Whale but tomorrow due to the Economy circle of SCOLT tokens, token burning will gradually reduce the total supply and Contribution will increase your token holding which can lead to your wallet being considered as Whale.
Any Wallet which is considered a Whale will contribute 5% to the Economy
When you buy from DEX, you will receive 5% fewer SCOLT tokens
When you sell to DEX, your wallet will be charged with 5% SCOLT tokens from your wallet balance (and not from the Transaction Balance), if your wallet balance will not have enough balance to cover contribution fees, your transaction will be rejected and you will not be able to sell on DEX
Last updated