
The Project "Coliseum" and The Project "Safe Coliseum"

There has been a lot of confusion about the coliseum project and the Safe coliseum,

Now, the main difference between Safe coliseum and Coliseum can be described in most layman's terms as below.

What is Coliseum?

Coliseum is an IT platform or you can also say an Application wherein industry people in the motion picture industry will come together, register themselves on the platform, upload their portfolio and search for work. which suits their skills & talent and they can get selected by the directors and producers. On the other hand Directors and Producers can also select the perfect talent with various options

What is Safe Coliseum? Safe Coliseum is a Community, which is the combination of 3 Dimensional economical growth, The Coliseum Platform, SCOLT tokens, and Production houses.

What are SCOLT Tokens for?

SCOLT token is a token based on ERC20 and Bep20(BSC) based tokens that have been audited by well-known third-party Audit Firms which is making them secure. It is available on both blockchains and cross-chain-enabled tokens.

What do SCOLT tokens have to do with The Coliseum platform?

The Coliseum Platform is basically intended to be run by a community, this community has to have its own economy in order to sustain itself in the market, a market wherein various payment solutions are required, various talent acquisition procedures and reviews are the most essential parts of the platform like this and trust are what mostly Industry people jump in here. As soon as the Platform will start crowding and token utilization will be in use, SCOLT comes with the pre-configured burning of its own supply and at the same time it will also give benefits to the Token Holders.

What does Briffon Productions have to do with the Safe Coliseum Community?

Briffon Productions Pvt. Ltd. is a legal front of the Community. Safe Coliseum is a Brand name, whereas in Briffon Productions Pvt. Ltd. is a Legal Entity registered in India.

It also serves the purpose of Branding & Promoting The Coliseum Platform & SCOLT Tokens, and most importantly Customer Acquisitions.

Tomorrow, When Platform will be ready, a community will need to spend less on Customer acquisitions because people who have worked with the community so far will have no problem subscribing to the services of The Coliseum Platform because Trust and Recognition Factor has already been established.

The Founders / Directors are in a deep belief that a product can be better only when you know things from the deep and from the ground levels. Creating the Coliseum Platform is just not the goal create just another app. it has to be one of the first of its kind, to create such a use case that can give better ease to the people who get involved with it. Safe Coliseum Community will create content and understand each and every aspect of the Industry, Roles and Responsibilities, problems and solutions, review systems, and much more. The Community will learn and implement use cases into the application.

Not only that, it has a direct connection with SCOLT tokens as well, whatever Profit will be earned by Briffon Productions Pvt. LTD by producing content will be distributed amongst the token holders with certain mechanisms.

You will learn more about it in the following slides, for a better understanding.

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